terms & conditions

Reigate on Ice, operated by Matthews Organisation Limited, is a registered UK company at 1 Fairacres, Axes Lane, Redhill, Surrey, United Kingdom, RH1 5QL.


  1. Reigate on Ice: the private limited liability company under the laws of the United Kingdom, owned and operated by Matthews Organisation Limited;

  2. Principal: the counterparty or principal of Reigate on Ice;

  3. Event: each activity organised by Reigate on Ice, or that takes place on the terrain of Reigate on Ice;

  4. Agreement: each agreement concluded between Reigate on Ice and Principal for the organisation and offering of Events or leasing of goods by Reigate on Ice;

  5. Participant: a natural person that takes part or shall take part in an Event or leases goods of Reigate on Ice;

  6. Ticket costs: they must be paid by Principal (per Participant) with regard to (the participation in) an Event;

  7. General Terms and Conditions: these General Terms and Conditions.

2. General

  1. The General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers, designated offers, Agreements, and services of Reigate on Ice insofar as the General Terms and Conditions have not been explicitly deviated from in writing by the parties.

  2. All offers and designated offers of Reigate on Ice are non-binding unless explicitly stated otherwise. Earlier designated offers, price statements, and such are deemed to have been recalled after the issuance of a new designated offer, price statement, and so forth.

  3. General Terms and Conditions applied by Principal or to which Principal might refer in any manner are hereby explicitly rejected unless these have been accepted explicitly in writing by Reigate on Ice.

  4. In case of a contradiction between stipulations from the Agreement and the text of the General Terms and Conditions, the stipulations from the Agreement prevail.

  5. Possible deviations from the General Terms and Conditions must be agreed upon explicitly in writing. No rights can be derived from such deviations with regard to legal relations concluded later.

  6. If any stipulation of the Agreement or the General Terms and Conditions is invalid or non-binding because of incompatibility with mandatory law, then the Agreement and/or the General Terms and Conditions remain in force for the remainder. The parties shall replace the invalid and non-binding stipulation with another that is valid and binding, and whose legal consequences approach those of the invalid and non-binding stipulation, to the extent possible.

  7. If and insofar as good execution of the Agreement requires this, Reigate on Ice has the right to let certain activities be executed by third parties.

  8. Principal is to grant at all times all reasonable cooperation to enable Reigate on Ice to comply with the Agreement in accordance with its obligations.

  9. Images and specifications of the Events offered by Reigate on Ice are non-binding and only serve to give a general impression of what Reigate on Ice has to offer.

  10. Reigate on Ice reserves the right to allocate Participants into separate groups.

3. General Obligations of Principal and Participant(s)

  1. The Principal must ensure that the Participant(s) meet the following terms and conditions:

    • The Participant(s) is (are) obliged to comply with all directions of Reigate on Ice, its employees, and the third parties employed by it, and as stated on (safety) boards on the terrain of Reigate on Ice and in the house rules of Reigate on Ice. This is to further a good execution of the Event, and they are required to behave as responsible Participants, respecting other people and the environment. They are liable for damage caused by improper and non-permitted behaviour, assessed to the standard of a careful Participant.

    • The Participant(s) must handle all materials and objects of use carefully and use them in accordance with their intended purpose.

    • The Participant(s) must not have consumed alcohol before the Event.

  2. Participant(s) who cause or may cause such hindrance or bother for the personnel of Reigate on Ice or third parties, or those who have consumed alcohol before the Event, can be excluded by Reigate on Ice from continuing with the Event, without any requirement for Reigate on Ice to refund (a part of) the Ticket costs.

  3. All costs deriving for Reigate on Ice from the hindrance or excess bother from (a) Participant(s) and/or from alcohol consumption by (a) Participant(s) shall, at the discretion of Reigate on Ice, be the responsibility of the Principal or the Participant(s).

  4. If for a certain part of the Event additional terms and conditions are set with regard to the Participants for participation, for instance, being at least 18 years old or having a minimum number of years holding a driver's license, then it is the responsibility of Principal to ensure that the concerned Participants comply with these terms and conditions.

  5. If directions and/or instructions of personnel of Reigate on Ice, or third parties involved by it, or stated on signs on the terrain of Reigate on Ice or in the house rules applied by Reigate on Ice, are not complied with, then each liability of Reigate on Ice will be forfeited.

  6. The Principal and each Participant are obliged to show a valid ID document upon the first request of Reigate on Ice.

  7. Each Participant is deemed to have concluded an adequate liability insurance for participation in the Event before its start.

  8. Principal is jointly and severally liable towards Reigate on Ice for all obligations that derive from the Agreement.

  9. Principal is liable for the correct completion by the Participant(s) of forms provided by Reigate on Ice. Furthermore, Principal is liable for all damage that Reigate on Ice suffers due to the use of attributes made available by Reigate on Ice by Participants. The Principal is also jointly and severally liable for any obligation that the Participant(s) have towards Reigate on Ice based on participation in the Event.

  10. The person who, on behalf of or for the benefit of third parties, concludes the Agreement is, alongside these third parties, jointly and severally liable for all obligations deriving from the Agreement. Additionally, the Participants are liable for their (independent) share in the obligations deriving from the Agreement.